Membership Eligibility

AIR Membership is open to persons who satisfy all of the criteria set outat items below:

  • the applicant/Member who is one of the following:
    • an owner, employee or appointed representative of an Independent Record Label;
    • a person with a material and tangible connection to the Independent Music Industry; or
    • a person whose core business, in the opinion of the Board, is analogous to or has a close connection with the activities referred to above
  • the ultimate parent company of the applicant/Member is an Australian corporation or the ultimate beneficial ownership of the applicant/Member is held in majority by Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia;
  • the Board, in its opinion, considers the applicant/Member as a person who will abide by, and is committed to, the objects of the Company; and
  • the Board, in its opinion, considers the applicant/Member as a person who operates and trades honestly and fairly in relation to the public, their customers and suppliers, and the Company and does not engage in conduct which is otherwise unbefitting for a Member.

*Independent Record Label means any person, partnership, company or other trading entity in the business of the creation, distribution, sale and/or any other commercial exploitation of Sound Recordings whose place of business and majority beneficial ownership is held within Australia.