A2IM Indie Week 2022: Call For Expressions of Interest

Sounds Australia, AIR and the PPCA are now seeking expressions of interest from Australian independent labels to take part in an Australian delegation to attend Indie Week 2022 in New York City, an independent label focused conference hosted by A2IM (American Association of Independent Music) from June 13-16 2022 at New York Law School.
A2IM Indie Week is a four-day international conference and networking event aimed at maximizing the global impact of Independent music. Featuring keynotes, panels, exclusive networking sessions, and more, A2IM Indie Week has historically drawn an attendance of over 1200 participants from over 30 countries. Build your network and join the conversation.
Indie Week is a member-only conference for record labels and service providers with a strong focus on the exploitation of master recordings, licensing, networking and digital. AIR & Sounds Australia have led Australian delegations to Indie Week since 2013 and we have again been extended an invitation to lead an Australian delegation to Indie Week in 2022.
Sounds Australia will be covering registration costs – valued at $579.99 USD.
Due to limited capacity, we ask all interested parties to show an expression of interest by filling out this survey BY WEDNESDAY 20TH APRIL 2022 – it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to complete.
For consideration when applying:
- Indie Week 2022 will be held in New York City from Monday 13th to Thursday 16th June 2022.
- Sounds Australia will be presenting THE AUSSIE BBQ showcase in New York on Saturday 18th June 2022, 4pm – 10pm. All Australian Indie Week delegates will be invited as a VIP guest to THE AUSSIE BBQ, that will also include an exclusive network luncheon with key New York music industry before the showcase performance.
- Australian attendees are responsible for booking and funding all flights, transfers, insurance and accommodation themselves.
- To apply a label must be a member of AIR.
- Per the A2IM Indie Week venue’s rules and regulations, all attendees must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, including a booster dose, and are required to wear a mask in the venue. Attendees who are not vaccinated for medical, religious, or other reasons will be required to submit proof of a negative PCR or lab-based antigen COVID test, conducted within three (3) days prior to attending. Proof of vaccination and a temperature check will be required upon entry. If you have any questions regarding COVID regulations, please reach out to info@a2im.org.
- Due to limited capacity and the small number of invitations, all attending Australian labels must have a catalogue of at least five albums and represent the music of at least three artists. It is expected that they are digitally pro-active and are doing business internationally.
For more information please contact Maria Amato at AIR – maria@air.org.au