Feature: Greta Stanley – If I Get In, Where Would I Go

An album centred on healing and becoming better within oneself, Greta Stanley‘s latest album If I Get In Where Would I Go sheds light on struggles (mental and physical) while also finding hope and optimism within it all.
Serving as a poignant reminder of Greta’s natural songwriting talent and charisma as a performer, the album represents a personal and creative touchstone.
If I Get In Where Would I Go is a culmination of love and emotional labour – a collection of songs that represents some very real and personal stories that Greta has put to record.
Having spent recent years navigating mental and physical health struggles, Greta has been able to reach a place of acknowledgement and acceptance with the things she may not necessarily be able to change; yet in doing so, she has managed to find different ways to approach healing and self-betterment.
If I Get In, Where Would I Go? is a collection of songs all covering elements of mental health and my experience navigating depression, anxiety, and chronic pain conditions.
The themes of all the songs surround this, some are about social anxiety at a party, some are about panic attacks; some are about the importance of friendships when you’re struggling mentally, the importance of a healthy romantic relationship and what that should look like compared to what you previously believed.
If I Get In, Where Would I Go? the latest introspective release from Greta Stanley is avaliable to stream now via Double Drummer.