Feature: Tom Snowdon – Flood at the Heart

Tom Snowdon reveals his first solo work with his two-track Flood at the Heart.

Empty Start‘ is about the need for renewal, about needing to leave things behind in order to make room for new places, new friends, and new inspiration. It throbs with an ominous intensity that breaks in the chorus with an ever-rising melody.

Protection‘ stumbles along in an unfamiliar time signature, seeking solid ground, seeking clarity. Instrumentally it echoes the landscape of Snowdon’s home of Mparntwe / Alice Springs – rugged and powerful, but gentle and delicate too.

Snowdon first created music with his group Lowlakes, which took him touring all around the world, but ultimately disbanded after releasing one album in 2014.

Tom Snowdon’s otherworldly vocals pair with dramatic production, blending the digital and analog worlds. The mood is heavy. Snowdon warps and stretches his vocal, using it as an instrument to explore the unseen emotional world within all of us. 

Flood at the Heart is available to stream now via Pieater.

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