Music Industry Review Findings Published

Today, Thursday 1 September 2022, the Music Industry Review published “Raising Their Voices” – a report presenting the findings of an independent review into sexual harm, sexual harassment, and systemic discrimination in the Australian contemporary music industry.
The Music Industry Joint Statement Acknowledgement of Harm, that AIR (Australian Independent Record Labels Association) is a signatory of, may be found .
The review heard from over 1,600 people who work in the music industry. It’s crucial that we acknowledge all those who contributed to this report and thank them for their courage in speaking out.
The review was commissioned by the industry, for the industry. We were one of 50 organisations that came together to support this work.
The review makes 17 recommendations that provide a path forward to a safer industry, where everyone can thrive.
The full report, accessible and plain English versions, and more support services are available at
Please take care when reading this report, and know support is available at 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732), LifeLine 13 11 14 and Support Act 1800 959 500 (option 5).
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