Tax Time Tips for Performing Artists

It’s tax time! It pays to learn what work-related expenses you can claim.
Do you know what you can and can’t claim during tax time? Lodging your tax return is easy with the ATO’s work-related expenses guide for performing artists.
When completing your tax return, you may be able to claim deductions for some work-related expenses.
To claim a work-related deduction:
- you must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
- it must be directly related to earning your income
- you must have a recordto prove it
If the expense was for both work and private purposes, you can only claim a deduction for the work-related portion. Common deductions for performing artists can include:
- Car expenses
- Travel expenses
- Clothing and grooming expenses
You are accountable for the claims you make in your tax return, even if you use a registered tax agent to prepare and lodge it on your behalf.
Remember to report all income in your tax return and remove any portion of your expense that is not work-related.
For more information or to download the ATO’s performing artist work-related expense guide go to
Tax Tips
- Remember, you’re accountable for the claims you make in your tax return, even if you use a registered tax agent to prepare and lodge it on your behalf. Make sure you have records to prove your claims.
- The best time to lodge your tax return is mid-August, when all financial information the ATO receives from employers, banks, government agencies and more, will be pre-filled.
For more information, or to download the guides available for specific occupations, visit
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