Feature – Lucy Parle: Hey Mum

Lucy Parle is a gifted storyteller and rising star. Her distinctive sound sits at the intersection of folk, pop, indie, and alt-country. Parle’s new single Hey Mum is a touching coming-of-age ballad that she was determined to release before she finishes school forever at the end of this year. A heart-on-sleeve and emotionally honest tribute to her mother, the song’s soaring vocal performance is truly remarkable.
“I started to write ‘Hey Mum’ mainly because I was upset with my mum when she wouldn’t let my boyfriend stay over on my 17th birthday. But as the song evolved, it became less about self-pity and more about my life and becoming an adult. It’s pretty much a song I wrote to explain to my mum that even though I’m not a kid anymore, I’ll always need her around... For the music video, I wanted to show that I had grown up but also where I came from. So the idea of having home videos and photos of me growing up with my mum beside me was exactly what I was after. I also loved the idea of having shots of me playing the song at the piano so that the viewer can understand what the lyrics mean to me. It’s also kind of a tribute to my younger self that always dreamed of being a musician – that I’ve found myself and my people.”
– Lucy Parle
The highly relatable track will strike a chord with teens and mums alike, as 2021’s HSC students wrap up their exams in this most bizarre of years. It comes complete with a tear-jerking video featuring home video footage juxtaposed against a modern-day piano performance by Parle.
Hey Mum is available NOW VIA Double Drummer/Believe.